Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Work now posted

FINALLY got some new pieces up, both SteamSmithWorks on Etsy and
SteamSmith on 1000Markets. I have some additional new work but could not get the pictures taken in time; and I will be flat out for the next week or so. So, enjoy this work, and there will be more as soon as I can take pictures again.


Friday, April 3, 2009

1000Markets artist

Lots of great artists at 1000Markets. Earlier I mentioned WinonaCookie who has a store on Edsy. Great work! She now also has one on 1000Markets:

Any way, she and I and 3 other 1000Markets artists were "reviewed" in a blog by another 1000Markets artist (he makes GREAT wooden toys, and more). Check out his blog, entitled "My Fellow Artisans!" which is at his 1000Markets store:

Meanwhile, new work coming from me THIS weekend!
